Taskforce on Higher Ed Panel Discusses Inequality and Strategies to Help Americans in Need


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Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Washington Post Live U.S. Higher Education: Rethinking the Possibilities Presented by the Taskforce on Higher Education and Oppo

Taskforce on Higher Ed Panel Discusses Inequality and Strategies to Help Americans in Need

To help students and communities across the country facing today’s extraordinary challenges, Rio Salado joined the Taskforce on Higher Education and Opportunity, which hosted a Washington Post Live panel as part of its March 2021 launch, about closing the inequality gap, reskilling and other issues the Taskforce is committed to address. The March 25 program, U.S. Higher Education: Rethinking the Possibilities is available to view now.

Rio Salado is one of 35 educational institutions serving as Taskforce founding members, each driven to act by the challenges caused by the pandemic, income inequality, the changing nature of work, and historic levels of unemployment among recent college graduates.