State-Specific Information
Rio Salado College delivers post-secondary distance education programs in compliance with the laws and regulations of states, territories and jurisdictions that it operates within. If you wish to find out more information regarding the state agency within the state you are located in, please visit the NC-SARA State Portal Entity Contacts page.
State-Specific Information
Operation Requirement:
Arizona State Legislature 15-1402
Regulatory Agency
2323 W. 14th Street
Tempe, AZ 85281
Resolution Process:
SARA Portal Agency
2323 W. 14th Street
Tempe, AZ 85281
Resolution Process:
State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)
State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)
- Rio Salado College is a State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) participating institution.
- The Arizona Community College Coordinating Council (AC4) has jurisdiction over Arizona SARA participating institutions in relation to appealing resolution of non-instructional complaints for out-of-state distance education students. Instructional complaints, such as grade grievances, are not reviewed by the Council and should not be submitted for review.
- Prior to submitting a non-instructional complaint with the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council, the out-of-state distance education student must complete Rio Salado College's internal complaint process.
- Out-of-state distance education students may appeal resolution of SARA-related non instructional complaints to the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council (AC4)
- Upon completion of the institution’s and AC4’s complaint process, out-of-state distance education students may submit a complaint with the Arizona SARA Council. The Arizona SARA Council has jurisdiction over Arizona SARA approved institutions regarding non-instructional complaints for out-of-state distance education students. Visit the AZ SARA Complaint Process website for more information.
Professional Licensure
Rio Salado College provides disclosures of whether the program meets or does not meet the academic requirements or that it has not made a determination whether the program meets academic requirements for professional licensure or certification outside of Arizona at the academic program pages.
Student Consumer Complaints
Student Consumer Complaints
Students who would like to file a complaint are to follow the appropriate process described at the Student Solution Center. Complaints regarding student grades or student conduct violations are governed entirely by institutional policy. Complaints (except for complaints about grades or student conduct violations) that are not resolved satisfactorily may be appealed, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, to AZ SARA.