As a student services analyst on Rio Salado’s Student Engagement and Recruitment Team (SERT), Kayte Vucurevich takes pride in assisting current and potential students with navigating an online college.
“SERT works with current and potential students to join and/or stay engaged with Rio,” Vucurevich said. “I help students with everything from walking them through the admissions process, enrolling in classes, and connecting them with resources to be successful.”
Vucurevich especially enjoys telling students about the benefits that online learning can provide.
“The flexibility of Rio’s classes and programs provides so many opportunities for nontraditional students and students needing special help that their current schools don’t provide,” she said.
As a front-line staff member with hundreds of personal student interactions, it is not a surprise that Vucurevich often acts as sounding board or life coach.
“One time I worked with a student who had to relocate to Arizona and restart their education and life in an attempt to escape a violent stalker,” Vucurevich recalled. “It took weeks of collaborating with multiple departments and community resources to get the student enrolled and stable enough to try a class.”
When asked what advice she would give students, Vucurevich said advocating and organization are key.
“Get comfortable being an advocate for yourself and your future,” Vucurevich said. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help and expecting to be treated with respect. Also, take advantage of the technology available to stay organized and efficient in completing your coursework.”
Vucurevich started working on the SERT team almost four years ago. Prior to that, she taught Psychology 101 for Rio Salado at Luke Air Force Base.
When not at work, Vucurevich enjoys spending time with her dogs, Ziggy, Winston, and Vader, practicing Japanese taiko drumming (a new endeavor), or dancing (belly, fusion and hip hop).
She can also be found enjoying the culinary delights at Mexican restaurant El Norteno, or the Balkan food found at Old Town Sarajevo, both located in Phoenix. Vucurevich’s bucket list includes visiting some far-away places.
“I really look forward to the day when I can do a tour of the Balkans or a whiskey tour throughout Scotland,” she said.
But she also enjoys being closer to home.
“I was born and raised in Phoenix, but my dad’s family is from Bisbee. I spent so much time there growing up that it also feels like I’m an honorary resident.”