Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the official international honor society for students at two-year colleges. PTK recognizes and encourages academic excellence while providing opportunities for personal and professional growth through leadership, service, and fellowship.
To guide chapters in achieving excellence, PTK developed the Five Star Chapter Plan, which helps strengthen members’ essential skills such as critical thinking, leadership, time management, collaboration, and soft skills. Achieving Five Star Chapter status is a significant accomplishment, reflecting a chapter's dedication and hard work— and the rewards are transformative.
This year, the Rio Salado College PTK Chapter earned its place as a Five Star Chapter through remarkable achievements. The chapter doubled its membership and active officer team, empowering students to develop leadership skills and achieve academic and career success. Members engaged in PTK Edge training, gaining insights into leadership, transfer opportunities, healthcare, research, and employment.
Additionally, the chapter submitted two large-scale, research-based projects:
- Honors in Action Project focused on the theme of storytelling.
- College Project centered on fostering civic engagement.
Students actively led meetings, conducted research, facilitated events, represented Rio Salado at the regional level, made meaningful friendships, and supported each other in applying for scholarships.
Rio Salado is incredibly proud of its students and deeply grateful for the guidance and support of President Kate Smith and outstanding PTK Advisors—Dr. Mijolae Henley, Kate Packer, Rikki Karren, and Michele Kemp. Their dedication and leadership have been invaluable to the chapter’s success.
Ready to Learn More? Check Out the PTK Pulse Podcast
In this exciting series, students are shining a spotlight on the 2024 Honors in Action Project of the Alpha Theta Omicron Chapter at Rio Salado College. This year’s theme, The Power of Stories, explores how stories influence and shape our world in profound ways.
Tune in as students share real stories from members of the community, highlighting diverse and authentic experiences. From Queer identities to the intersection of food and culture to the untold effects of Jim Crow on soldiers before Vietnam, there's something for everyone to enjoy, relate to, and learn from.
PTK Membership Information
To join, qualifying students follow a unique link they receive in their email. Invitations are based on meeting eligibility requirements and are sent out twice a year - fall and spring. Watch your email to see if you qualify!
To be eligible for PTK membership, you must have:
- A cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher
- Completed a minimum of 12 college credits in 100-plus level classes and current enrollment in at least one class with Rio Salado College
- Pay a one-time membership fee of $95 that helps with operating costs of Alpha Theta Omicron (Rio Salado's PTK chapter), the PTK Arizona region and Phi Theta Kappa International