Important Deadlines


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Important Deadlines

To help students plan for their Semester Block Term, the Financial Aid Office has set priority filing deadlines. (See chart below). You must be aware of the priority deadline associated with your preferred course start date. By submitting all the required information on or before the priority deadline, eligible students will have:

  • An anticipated financial aid award processed in time to defer your tuition payment and reserve your spot in a class.
  • A Book Advance issued to you by direct deposit, your own prepaid debit card or paper check. Please allow four-to-six business days from the date the book advance posted to your Student Center.
  • The financial aid disbursement released to your account according to our published schedule.
  • Students completing a consortium agreement, the agreement is due no later than your assigned Semester Block Start Date. The semester start and end dates for the Host school must fit within your assigned Semester Block.

Meeting the Priority Filing Deadline

All financial aid students: Your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be received by the Rio Salado College Financial Aid Office on or before the priority filing deadline.

If you are selected for federal verification: To process your request for financial aid, the Maricopa Verification Processing Center (MVPC) must receive all of your financial aid verification forms and documents by the priority filing deadline associated with your semester block.

If you need to submit supplemental documents: The college's Financial Aid Office must have receipt of any supplemental documents or forms you are required to submit on or before the priority filing deadline. These items are identified in the To Do List in your Student Center if you are requested to supply them.

If You Miss the Priority Filing Deadline

If Rio Salado's Financial Aid Office or the Maricopa Verification Processing Center does not receive your documentation by the priority filing deadline, other options are available.

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enroll in the tuition payment plan to reserve your place in the Semester Block start date you want. You are responsible for paying for your class-related books and supplies unless your expected financial aid award is processed before your first disbursement of financial aid is scheduled to arrive.
  • Make other payment arrangements to reserve your place in the Semester Block start date that you want and to get your books and supplies.
  • Change your Semester Block start date to coincide with the priority filing deadline you are able to meet.

Note: Summer financial aid is awarded after a student enrolls in summer classes. The Financial Aid Office at Rio Salado College awards financial aid funds to students who meet the priority filing deadline based on your semester block start date.

Academic Year Priority Filing Dates for 2024 - 2025

Block Priority Filing Deadline for Receipt of FAFSA
and All Required
Semester Block
Start Date
Semester Block
End Date
Book AdvancesIssues to Students
Account Beginning
Book Advance Received
by Student (*)
1 Tuesday 7/23/2024 Monday 8/19/2024 Saturday 12/7/2024 Tuesday 8/6/2024 Allow 4-6 business days from the date the book advance is posted to your account in the Student Center for the advance to be received and processed by the Maricopa Student Refund Program.

*If the book advance posts on a Friday, weekend, or holiday, allow additional time.

For more information click here.
2 Tuesday 7/30/2024 Monday 8/26/2024 Saturday 12/14/2024 Tuesday 8/13/2024
3 Tuesday 8/6/2024 Tuesday 9/3/2024 Saturday 12/21/2024 Tuesday 8/20/2024
4 Tuesday 8/13/2024 Monday 9/9/2024 Saturday 12/28/2024 Tuesday 8/27/2024
5 Tuesday 8/20/2024 Monday 9/16/2024 Saturday 1/4/2025 Tuesday 9/3/2024
6 Tuesday 8/27/2024 Monday 9/23/2024 Saturday 1/11/2025 Tuesday 9/10/2024
7 Tuesday 9/3/2024 Monday 9/30/2024 Saturday 1/18/2025 Tuesday 9/17/2024
8 Tuesday 9/10/2024 Monday 10/7/2024 Saturday 1/25/2025 Tuesday 9/24/2024
9 Tuesday 9/17/2024 Monday 10/14/2024 Saturday 2/1/2025 Tuesday 10/1/2024
10 Tuesday 9/24/2024 Monday 10/21/2024 Saturday 2/8/2025 Tuesday 10/8/2024
11 Tuesday 10/1/2024 Monday 10/28/2024 Saturday 2/15/2025 Tuesday 10/15/2024
12 Tuesday 10/8/2024 Monday 11/4/2024 Saturday 2/22/2025 Tuesday 10/22/2024
13 Tuesday 10/15/2024 Tuesday 11/12/2024 Saturday 3/1/2025 Tuesday 10/29/2024
14 Tuesday 10/22/2024 Monday 11/18/2024 Saturday 3/8/2025 Tuesday 11/5/2024
15 Tuesday 10/29/2024 Monday 11/25/2024 Saturday 3/15/2025 Tuesday 11/12/2024
16 Tuesday 11/5/2024 Monday 12/2/2024 Saturday 3/22/2025 Tuesday 11/19/2024

Block Priority Filing Deadline for Receipt of FAFSA
and All Required
Semester Block
Start Date
Semester Block
End Date
Book AdvancesIssues to Students
Account Beginning
Book Advance Received
by Student (*)
1 Tuesday 12/10/2024 Monday 1/6/2025 Saturday 4/26/2025 Tuesday 12/17/2024 Allow 4-6 business days from the date the book advance is posted to your account in the Student Center for the advance to be received and processed by the Maricopa Student Refund Program.

*If the book advance posts on a Friday, weekend, or holiday, allow additional time.

For more information click here.
2 Tuesday 12/17/2024 Monday 1/13/2025 Saturday 5/3/2025 Tuesday 1/7/2025
3 Tuesday 12/24/2024 Tuesday 1/21/2025 Saturday 5/10/2025 Tuesday 1/14/2025
4 Tuesday 12/31/2024 Monday 1/27/2025 Saturday 5/17/2025 Tuesday 1/21/2025
5 Tuesday 1/7/2025 Monday 2/3/2025 Saturday 5/24/2025 Tuesday 1/28/2025
6 Tuesday 1/14/2025 Monday 2/10/2025 Saturday 5/31/2025 Tuesday 2/4/2025
7 Tuesday 1/21/2025 Tuesday 2/18/2025 Saturday 6/7/2025 Tuesday 2/11/2025
8 Tuesday 1/28/2025 Monday 2/24/2025 Saturday 6/14/2025 Tuesday 2/18/2025
9 Tuesday 2/4/2025 Monday 3/3/2025 Saturday 6/21/2025 Tuesday 2/25/2025
10 Tuesday 2/11/2025 Monday 3/10/2025 Saturday 6/28/2025 Tuesday 3/4/2025
11 Tuesday 2/18/2025 Monday 3/17/2025 Saturday 7/5/2025 Tuesday 3/11/2025
12 Tuesday 2/25/2025 Monday 3/24/2025 Saturday 7/12/2025 Tuesday 3/18/2025
13 Tuesday 3/4/2025 Monday 3/31/2025 Saturday 7/19/2025 Tuesday 3/25/2025
14 Tuesday 3/11/2025 Monday 4/7/2025 Saturday 7/26/2025 Tuesday 4/1/2025
15 Tuesday 3/18/2025 Monday 4/14/2025 Saturday 8/2/2025 Tuesday 4/8/2025
16 Tuesday 3/25/2025 Monday 4/21/2025 Saturday 8/9/2025 Tuesday 4/15/2025

Block Priority Filing Deadline for Receipt of FAFSA
and All Required
Semester Block
Start Date
Semester Block
End Date
Book AdvancesIssues to Students
Account Beginning
Book Advance Received
by Student (*)
1 Tuesday 4/1/2025 Monday 4/28/2025 Saturday 8/16/2025 Tuesday 4/15/2025 Allow 4-6 business days from the date the book advance is posted to your account in the Student Center for the advance to be received and processed by the Maricopa Student Refund Program.

*If the book advance posts on a Friday, weekend, or holiday, allow additional time.

For more information click here.
2 Tuesday 4/8/2025 Monday 5/5/2025 Saturday 8/23/2025 Tuesday 4/22/2025
3 Tuesday 4/15/2025 Monday 5/12/2025 Saturday 8/30/2025 Tuesday 4/29/2025
4 Tuesday 4/22/2025 Monday 5/19/2025 Saturday 9/6/2025 Tuesday 5/6/2025
5 Tuesday 4/29/2025 Tuesday 5/27/2025 Saturday 9/13/2025 Tuesday 5/13/2025
6 Tuesday 5/6/2025 Monday 6/2/2025 Saturday 9/20/2025 Tuesday 5/20/2025
7 Tuesday 5/13/2025 Monday 6/9/2025 Saturday 9/27/2025 Tuesday 5/27/2025
8 Tuesday 5/20/2025 Monday 6/16/2025 Saturday 10/4/2025 Tuesday 6/3/2025