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Meet UAGC Scholarship Recipient Cristopher Camacho

Glendale’s Cristopher Camacho is one of several Rio Salado scholars to receive a prestigious full-ride scholarship to the University of Arizona Global Campus (UAGC).
July 14, 2022

Wellness Wednesday: Swim To Win!

Here are a few benefits of swimming.
July 13, 2022

Educator Reflects on Career Changes, Roadtrip Nation

Mesa’s Carole Redden was interviewed by Roadtrip students Brittany Gray, Meredith Jaxon and Mariah Schneider, sharing her hard-won perspective as an educator, advisor, and professional and personal…
July 12, 2022

Watch and Share Webinar: Asian Pacific Islander American Heritage Celebration

Enjoy an engaging conversation about Asian Pacific Islander American life by watching this webinar recorded on May 25 with Rio Salado employees, alumni William O'Neill and City of Tempe…
July 8, 2022

Meet UAGC Scholarship Recipient Dyna Odylere Krigbaum

A first-generation college student, Dyna Odylere Krigbaum has worked hard her whole life to educate herself and develop her skills as a professional in a competitive field
July 7, 2022

Wellness Wednesday: More Ways To Hydrate

You don’t ONLY have to drink water to stay hydrated. There are other sources of hydration available to you.
July 6, 2022

Recovery and Redemption: Busy Mom Nears Academic Finish Line

Some people like to share their story to help others; some like to share because it helps them remember what they’ve been through. For Rio Salado College student Jackie Elliott, her decision to…
July 5, 2022

3 Tips to Improve Your Note Taking

Thriving in online classrooms is all about dedication and discipline. The same holds true for note-taking. We’ve put together a few pointers on how to get in the right mindset and take good notes.
July 5, 2022

Ask an Advisor - How do I prepare for a virtual meeting?

Once you’ve scheduled a meeting with your academic advisor, make certain that you are prepared. Here are some important tips.
June 29, 2022

Wellness Wednesday: Beat The Heat With Indoor Exercises

For this week’s Wellness Wednesday blog we’re presenting a few ideas on exercises you can do at home that require little to no equipment or cost!
June 29, 2022

Meet UAGC Scholarship Recipient Heather Tyler, Rio Salado Associate Dean

Heather Tyler, Associate Dean of Instruction and Workforce Partnerships at Rio Salado College, is one of six recipients of the University of Arizona Global Campus (UAGC) partnership scholarships.
June 28, 2022

Rio Salado Graduate Encourages Others to Celebrate Themselves

Rio Salado College student Tisha Renee Williams earned a certificate of completion in insurance studies with a goal to increase her odds in the applicant pool in order to advance at her company.
June 27, 2022